Mokuhanga means “woodblock print" in Japanese, and is used to refer specifically to the water-based, centuries old traditional methods honed by the Japanese for whom it was the primary printing technology. I came to the class curious about several aspects of Mokuhanga…
I met Gaylord Schanilec at CODEX, an annual conference for the book arts in the Bay Area. As Midnight Paper Sales, Gaylord publishes richly illustrated fine press editions of his own and others' work. I was interested in his color woodblock engravings.
I was fortunate enough to get a work study scholarship for this six week workshop, making it all possible, if exhausting, I’m very thankful. As a printmaker, my impulse to work in multiples led me to make large editions.
The paintings are acrylic over plaster-primed reinforced plywood, encircling diners in a shifting seasonal grove.